My wonderful friend, Jill Ann brought this slang term to my attention a few weeks ago. I love it! It is a bit tricky when trying to say it over and over again. Hurkle-durkle is a Scottish slang term for lying in bed for longer than one should.
I found this information from the Mental Floss website:
According to John Jamieson’s Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, 200 years ago to hurkle-durkle meant “To lie in bed, or to lounge after it is time to get up or go to work.” Basically, that urge we all fight every weekday morning. 1
While I will not hurkle-durkle as much as I would like this week, I will see if I can make it happen this next weekend!
Have you taken time to hurkle-durkle this week? How would you use this slang term in a sentence? Leave a comment below!
While unexpected, should I be able to hurkle durkle, I would welcome the experience.